Eagle Encounter


My wife and I recently encountered this eagle swooping past us with a rather decomposed salmon in its talons. It landed on a nearby tree branch and fortunately I had my camera ready for action. I  didn’t think this was a bald eagle, but found out later that it was an “immature bald eagle” – it takes them 4 years to get the classic white head look. Btw – it took me 40 years to achieve the same look! Their wing span is 80 inches – a little wider than I can stretch my arms. Click on an image for larger view.




20 thoughts on “Eagle Encounter

  1. Beautiful photos. While we were in the Kruger National Park for a few days, I counted 43 eagles in different trees! Unbelievable. A blogger said it is because of the good rain that fell, the air was filled with birds.

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    1. Thanks Pete – I’ve never done wildlife photos until recently. I’m really happy to be able now with my new zoom telephoto lens, although these shots were a result of being at the right place/right time/camera ready … which is rarely the case! haha

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    1. I was also wondering how do you get the image to be so sharp, with no blur??
      I find when i use a telephoto lens with birds my images become blurry and noisy because they move so quickly and the zoom amplifies any shaking of the camera. I keep trying but no luck 😦

      Liked by 1 person

      1. Hi Joel – They do move quickly and I do get a fair amount of blurry shots as well – you can see the shot I took of the eagle flying away in B+W – pretty blurry – although I was able to tune it up a bit during edit. I almost always set my camera to Shutter Priority. When expecting to shoot action I select a shutter speed of at least 1/500 sec. I don’t worry about the aperature and set the ISO on auto with a limit of 3200. However, I believe the biggest help is that the camera Lumix G85 and lens (14-140) have motion stabilizers. Here’s a little test I did recently – this shot taken at dusk at 1/15sec at 140mm (240mm equivalent) – I have a steady grip, but the stabilzers certainly helped! … https://michaelhoffmannphotography.com/2017/02/15/sylvan-street-dusk/


  2. Those are great Michael. Hmm….maybe we should get together when the eagle festival happens at Harrison this fall. I don’t know what the eagle tour boat costs, but I understand they take us way out to the feeding area.

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